
20! Venti! Zwanzig!

Yesterday,6/28, I've been 20 years old!! Time flies\(◎o◎)/!
I had a party withe my mother , father, and tow friends of mine at my house. I had wonderful deshes and presents. Ihad a lovely time!!
I'll study hard to be a lovely creature .(#^^#)

4 件のコメント:

  1. Happy Birthday! Rina!! I'm Norie.
    Your blog is interesting to read.
    It makes me pleasant!

  2. Thank you norie!!
    I saw you're blog too and be a reader(^皿^)/

  3. congratulation!! happy birthday to Rina!
    i'm chisa!
    I hope you can drink.
    someday shall we drink together!

  4. Happy birthday...now you are an adult :)
